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20 Years of Fairtrade: How Aberdeen City Fair and Sustainable Trade Group is Turning the Granite City Gold


Yesterday, as part of this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight, Aberdeen Fair and Sustainable Trade Group (the AFSTG) welcomed partner – old and new- to the Town House for a civic reception celebrating 20 years of the city’s Fairtrade Community Status. That’s to say, it’s a big year for Fairtrade in Aberdeen, and even more so in the UK as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of Fairtrade in the UK!


When it comes to sustainable food, Fairtrade is a trusted and recognised organisation. But why does it matter? What does it mean to be a Fairtrade city? Read on to find out why Fairtrade matters and how the AFSTG is contributing to that, daily.


What is Fairtrade?

Around one third of the world’s food is produced by small scale farms – many in some of the poorest parts of the world. As a direct result of a variety of factors, producers often have no choice but to sell under the cost of production and receive a tiny proportion of final cost. Factors including fluctuating costs, and global commodity prices both contribute to the set-up producers find themselves in, but a large challenge is the unequal distribution of power across supply chains.

Often, customers are unaware of this, but luckily Fairtrade is helping sort this misinformation alongside making sure all parties along the food supply chain are in receipt of appropriate pay and working conditions.

Fairtrade is based on the principal that by improving the social and financial situation for producers, we improve their environment and social lives beyond their work. By realigning power balances, this not only helps producers have enough to live on but also invest in their futures. This is done several ways:

-        Farmers and workers having investments in the businesses that sell the products


-        Fairtrade Minimum Price: this is the lowest price a buyer must pay. This ensures the

producer is compensated for their labour, skill and experience.


-        Fairtrade Premium: this is an additional sum of money paid into a communal fund. This

fund goes towards improving the social, environmental and economic conditional of not

only the business but the outward community.


Fairtrade for the city

Aberdeen first achieved Fairtrade City status in 2004 and successfully renewed its status in 2023. The Fairtrade Community Status demonstrates the commitment of the city to a fairer future through community action and support within Fairtrade issues. The AFSTG supports and coordinates the efforts in Aberdeen City, in which partners actively work with groups around the city such as faith groups, primary & secondary schools, business organisations, universities, and more to raise awareness of Fairtrade, how ethical trade has an impact, and how Fairtrade directly supports the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The AFSTG’s membership consists of Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeen for a Fairer World, NorthLink ferries, Cults Kirk Centre, The University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen University Student Association, the Cooperative, and more! We – Granite City Good Food – are also proud members of the group.

To stay up to date with everything Fairtrade in Aberdeen, head to the Fairtrade Facebook page.


Fairtrade is Turning the Granite City Gold

There are simple ways for you to contribute to Aberdeen’s status as a Fairtrade City and, by extension, are contributing directly to the efforts around Aberdeen to #TurnTheGraniteCityGold.

Quite simply, the logic to follow is ‘If you cant grow or buy the item from a local source, buy Fairtrade or ethically traded’ – that is to say, for items such as tea, coffee, chocolate, bananas, sugar, dried fruits, and nuts, and so on, Fairtrade is most often the most ethical and sustainable option for you! If you’re looking for where to buy Fairtrade items, why not use our Sustainable Food Directory’s Fairtrade Aberdeen category?



Otherwise, there are many other actions you can take, this Fairtrade fortnight:

1)     Host an event for Fairtrade and help raise awareness and money for this fabulous organisation. You could host a film night, a tasting, or a bake sale. Options are limitless so find ideas for campaigns from the website.


2)     Interested in volunteering? Get in touch with Aberdeen for a Fairer World for volunteering opportunities.


3)     Sign the pledge and Make Your Mark.. and while you’re at it sign to Turn the Granite City Gold too!


Want to know even more? Check out the Fairtrade Movement For Change Report for more information!



Are you using food for good and helping turn the granite city gold? We want to hear from you! Share your good food activity and you could feature in our next Granite City Good Food blog/spotlight –

Get in touch via or give us a call at 01224 596156.



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