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Our Action Plan

How we plan to achieve our objectives...

Our Action Plan leads the way for how we plan to be Gold Award holders by 2025; have a look below

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A partnership that is representative of the City of Aberdeen

An inclusive and accountable partnership

An ambitious and effective action plan for the delivery of the Sustainable Food Places Gold award

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Build communication to raise public awareness of sustainable food systems

Promote and facilitate Aberdeen as a food growing friendly area

Nurture a sustainable good food movement

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Ensure a coordinated effort in tackling food insecurity, and related issues

Promote healthy eating and increase accessibility to healthy food 

Provide support & signposting to services which build food skills & confidence to communities

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Put sustainable food business at the center of local economic development & strategy

Support local food businesses to thrive with practical support 

Connect consumers to sustainable, local, and healthy food

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Change policy & practice to put good food on people's plates 

Facilitate the increase in sustainable food accreditation across Aberdeen 

Improve connections & collaborations across local supply chains

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Promote sustainable food production and consumption

Reduce, redirect, & recycle waste 

For more information, explore our 2021-2024 Action Plan

"An Action Plan for SFP Silver and onto SFP Gold"

Are you on board with our vision? Show your support by signing our Sustainable Food charter

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